Vulnerability Shift, Day 3

If you’re wondering what a Vulnerability Shift is, I invite you to explore Sarah Andrew’s website. She’s offering a free online program “for 10 days of shifting into more connection, confidence, and freedom!” If you’re wondering what happens on Day 1 (intention) or Day 2 (what do you want) you can read my previous blogs for my personal journey or just sign up and come along for the ride. I expect it will be transformational!

Day 3’s assignment is to ask for what I want. Since the short version of my mission statement is to fully express My True Authentic Self without apology, I’ve been marinating in the sensation of experiencing that and pondering my request for support. Since I’ve already dismissed seeking circumstances, possessions, relationships, or worldly arrangements (knowing they don’t last and won’t actually make me happy), I’ve come up with a rather brilliant idea, if I do say so myself!

I want to remember that I am Divinely guided, protected, assisted, and cared for at every moment. I would like to receive these gifts of Grace comfortably and trust that they are always available to me.

Surrendering all decisions, fears, desires, and moments to a higher power is the only way I know how to awaken spiritually and transcend the material world. The ego has proven itself untrustworthy and unreliable at best, self-destructive at worst. It’s time to quit letting the lunatics run the asylum.


Coast to Coast, Part 6: Guidance

Moving is said to be one of the most stressful events anyone will experience apart from violence and war. Part of the challenge is stepping into the great unknown. There are so many factors that are just of our realm of control when relocating to the other side of the country. My trust in Divine Guidance helped ease this stress tremendously. Since I believed that I was following my soul’s calling to live in Philadelphia, it seemed a logical conclusion that everything I needed to do that would be provided for me.

And it really was. Now, I’m not going to pretend that it was all sunshine and rainbows. There was a lot of work for me to do over the past two months to get myself settled in a completely new environment; much of it involving physical labor and all of it emotionally taxing . It was not easy by any means, but even when I had more on my to-do list than hours in a day, I was never worried. I knew I was doing the right thing for me in that moment, and simply put one foot in front of the other in the process.

Each action I took was rewarded with guidance about what to do next. When I was wondering where in the world I would be living, a dear college friend informed me that her aunt had a room for rent. It just so happens that this room is a short walk to the train, to the best organic market I have yet to explore in the region, to the community center where two Meetups I enjoy are held, and in a beautiful neighborhood. There’s no way I could have found such a good match by scouring Craigslist or the classifieds. The Universe knew my needs better than I and provided the perfect solution for me. I hadn’t actually desired to live with another lady out in the suburbs, but when this opportunity was presented, I accepted without hesitation.

Every step of the way, similar events have sustained my spirits. Knowing that I was not alone in the process and that my prayers were being answered in ways beyond my comprehension helped me to relax into the journey and eased much of the moving-related stress. Keeping the big picture in mind certainly helped as well: I was leaving California to be a part of my family once again after years of being on my own. I was looking forward to spending time with my twin niece and nephew who have just turned six months old. Every time one of them smiles at me, I know in my heart that I made the best possible decision and would do it all over again for another toothless grin.