Vulnerability Shift, Day 2

My Vulnerability Shift assignment for the day is to clarify what I want. Sounds easy right? Not so much! Actually I’m quite clear on what I don’t want, but that’s not at all the same thing. I could produce a wish list of worldly accomplishments, but the truth is I am well aware that circumstances, possessions, relationships, and status are all impermanent and won’t bring me happiness. I have plenty of clients who seem to have it all yet are deeply unhappy and totally stressed.

So… what’s my life’s mission statement? Here’s what I’ve come up with:

It’s my intention to feel safe and secure, loving and loved, peaceful, joyful, free. I aspire to awaken spiritually and remember that we are all infinite beings having a human experience. I desire to release all limiting beliefs, all judgements, and all distractions from being fully present. And I want to do it openly, without thinking I need to hide my light or play small to avoid discomfort, skepticism, or criticism.

In short, I want to be My True Authentic Self without apology.

Whatever I’m doing I can use this one simple statement as a barometer to tell if I’m on track or not. It describes how I imagine I’d feel in a happy, healthy romantic relationship. Or on a luscious vacation. Or while building my own business. A busy day at work or a day off in my pajamas. At home alone or at a party with friends. I can feel a Dr. Seuss stanza threatening to break through, so I’ll just stop there!

You get the idea. Once I got clear on how I wanted to feel, I realized that the circumstances of my life don’t matter nearly as much. I do believe in the adage that once we commit to a goal, the universe conspires to help us succeed. I figure if I succeed at this, then the form it takes isn’t all that important.

One response to “Vulnerability Shift, Day 2

  1. Pingback: Vulnerability Shift, Day 3 | followyourblissnow17

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