The 10-Day Vulnerability Shift

My dear friend Sarah Andrews offered me an opportunity to join a free coaching program. We share a history of metaphysical meetups and Reiki shares and it is a combination of trust and curiosity that inspired me to accept. She describes the goal of this adventure as:

“Let’s redefine vulnerability as an empowered path to more connection, confidence, and freedom. What you’ve been hiding is the key to what you want.”

Sounds brilliant, right? Who doesn’t want more connection, confidence, and freedom? Sarah claims that the energy we all expend hiding our perceived flaws and imperfections keeps us from experiencing our authentic selves and thriving in all areas of life. It totally makes sense. AND sounds terrifically uncomfortable! Facing all that dark and shameful junk that got stuffed down because it was unbearable to deal with. Yet here I go, a leap of faith.

I’m reminded of a passage I read earlier today in a book called Bodymind by Ken Dychtwald. “I often feel that many of my clients would like me to be a kind of psycho-roto-rooter man. They’d like to come to me, pay me the necessary money, and have me exorcise the garbage and pain that lives within them, blocking the flow of life and happiness. They assume that whatever they are carrying that is “negative” can simply be removed, like sewage from a pipe, or can be covered up with newspaper and made to disappear. But nothing can be simply detached and removed from the bodymind. Things can only be moved around or made to change form. So when I work with people, I try to transform their unmentionables into mentionables, brining what they have put back out of sight into the forefront, into view. Our unwanted garbage can serve as terrific fertilizer.”

And so here I go. Transformation has already begun as I’ve clearly stepped out of my comfort zone and into the fire. If you’d like to know more about this work, check out her website. All you have to lose is that heavy emotional baggage.


3 responses to “The 10-Day Vulnerability Shift

  1. Pingback: Vulnerability Shift, Day 3 | followyourblissnow17

    • Hi Trudi! I’m so glad you asked. I meant to go back and use the proper quote from Bodymind by Ken Dychtwald. Fascinating book. Here it is, “I often feel that many of my clients would like me to be a kind of psycho-roto-rooter man. They’d like to come to me, pay me the necessary money, and have me exorcise the garbage and pain that lives within them, blocking the flow of life and happiness. They assume that whatever they are carrying that is “negative” can simply be removed, like sewage from a pipe, or can be covered up with newspaper and made to disappear. But nothing can be simply detached and removed from the bodymind. Things can only be moved around or made to change form. So when I work with people, I try to transform their unmentionables into mentionables, brining what they have put back out of sight into the forefront, into view. Our unwanted garbage can serve as terrific fertilizer.”

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